5 Ways to Improve Your Business Blog

Online readership is on the rise, and everyone knows it. Social media posts, articles, and blogs are quickly taking the place of more traditional reading materials. Countless companies are capitalizing on this trend by putting out their own original blogs and dedicating significant amounts of time to refining and updating their content. One of the most common ways businesses are creating their blogs is through WordPress.

When it comes to blogging for work, there are a number of ways to go wrong with your content. Attracting an initial audience is hard enough on its own, much less with all the pitfalls that can trip up businesses in writing and maintaining blog content. While it may seem difficult to get your business blog off the ground, there are a few surefire ways to help draw in that readership. Here are five ways you can improve your WordPress blog for work.

Be Mindful of Your Voice

When writing content for your blog, it can be easy to accidentally make your posts sound too dry or formal. Having a boring, robotic feel to your writing is a sure way to lose readership. Instead, make sure the tone that you’re writing in sounds genuine and real—almost like a conversation. A good rule of thumb is to write like you speak (as long as it isn’t too informal). Read back your WordPress blog post to make sure it doesn’t sound fake or bland, and make sure it flows well with a consistent tone.

Make Your Call-To-Action Clear

With any good work blog, you want to include a clear call to action. This should be a clear next step for your reader to take to use what they’ve learned about your business from the WordPress blog. This can be as simple as the option to download an app or software if you offer it, a link to your product or service, or instructions on how to get further information. It is crucial to ensure that you not only include a call-to-action but that you word it clearly and concisely in an appropriate location in your blog. 

Make Your Business Blog Mobile-Friendly

According to Oberlo, around 58% of all internet traffic comes through a mobile device. With the majority of internet users being based on mobile, it is important to make sure that your WordPress blog is optimized for mobile users. Thankfully, WordPress is already relatively mobile-friendly. However, there are still a few ways to be sure your article is clear on a mobile device. 

First and foremost, be sure you’re using a mobile-friendly theme for your blog. Next, make sure any images you’re using translate well on mobile. Usually, this means making sure they’re a small enough file scale to not be compressed during the upload. Finally, the easiest way to ensure your blog is mobile-friendly is to double-check for yourself by using a mobile device or by using Google’s built-in test.

Optimize Your Content For SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is vital to ensuring that your blog website is showing up on web searches. In simple terms, search engines utilize bots to gather information on websites to decide what order to list links after a search. By using SEO strategies, you can make your blog more likely to show up when a user makes a google search. 

A simple way to ensure your business blog is as high on the list as possible is to check that your URL is as short and simple as possible. Another easy tip is to choose a few specific keywords to repeat in your blog (being careful not to use too many). Finally, WordPress offers its own SEO optimization tool that allows you to check how your blog post measures up.

Tie Your Business Blog Into Your Social Media

These days, most businesses have at least one form of social media. In fact, according to Entrepreneur, the actual statistic is that 97% of companies participate in social media. With this in mind, it is a good idea to tie your business blog to your social media. A good way to help streamline this process is by using Twitter management software like JetStream Social. 

With JetStream, you can schedule tweets containing a link to your blog to go out at the same time your blog updates. You can also use JetStream’s analytic software to gauge what kinds of viewers are interacting with your blog when you’ve tweeted the link. This is an easy way to seamlessly blend your social media with your WordPress blog posts.

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